.. _executing-a-model-transformation: Executing a Model Transformation ================================ The *TransformationController* toolbar is used to execute a model transformation. .. image:: img/transformation_controller.png The first button allows you to load a model transformation (schedule). The file browser will only allow you to load models that start with the *T_* prefix. Look in the console to see whether the transformation was correctly loaded: .. image:: img/transformation_loaded.png From that point, you can use the four control buttons to start, step throug, pause and stop a transformation. The console will log which rules were tried and whether they succeeded or failed. .. warning:: If you want to restart a transformation, please *reload* the current AToMPM instance or start a new one. AToMPM supports the debugging of model transformation schedules. To enable debugging, press the last button of the *TransformationController* toolbar. When debugging is enabled, and you press play, a window will pop up containing the model of the schedule. .. image:: img/debugging_transformation.png